=== Advanced Random Posts Widget === Contributors: themejunkie, satrya Tags: random posts, thumbnail, widget, widgets, sidebar, excerpt, category, post tag, post type, taxonomy, shortcode, multiple widgets Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.8.2 Stable tag: 2.1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Provides flexible and advanced random posts. Display it via shortcode or widget with thumbnails, post excerpt, and much more! == Description == This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and advanced random posts. It allows you to display a list of random posts via shortcode or widget with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple taxonomy. = Features Include = * Allow you to set title url. * Display thumbnails, with customizable size and alignment. * Display excerpt, with customizable length. * Display from all, specific or multiple category. * Display from all, specific or multiple tag. * Display from all, specific or multiple taxonomy. * Display post date. * Display post modified date. * Post types. * Post status. * Allow you to set custom css class per widget. * Add custom html or text before and/or after random posts. * Multiple widgets. = Support = * [Forum support](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/advanced-random-posts-widget). * [Rate/Review the plugin](http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/advanced-random-posts-widget). * [Contribute on Github](https://github.com/themejunkie/advanced-random-posts-widget/) > Developed by [Theme Junkie](http://www.theme-junkie.com/) == Installation == **Through Dashboard** 1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins -> Add New 2. Type **advanced random posts widget** in the search box and click on search button. 3. Find **Advanced Random Posts Widget** plugin. 4. Then click on Install Now after that activate the plugin. 5. Go to the widgets page **Appearance -> Widgets**. 6. Find **Random Posts** widget. **Installing Via FTP** 1. Download the plugin to your hardisk. 2. Unzip. 3. Upload the **advanced-random-posts-widget** folder into your plugins directory. 4. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and click the Plugins menu. 5. Then activate the plugin. 6. Go to the widgets page **Appearance -> Widgets**. 6. Find **Random Posts** widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == = No image/thumbnail options? = Your theme needs to support Post Thumbnail, please go to http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Thumbnails to read more info and how to activate it in your theme. = Thumbnail Size = By default it uses **arpw-thumbnail** which have **50x50** size. If you want to use custom image size, you can install http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/ then create new image size, it will appear in the **Thumbnail Size** selectbox in the widget option. = Thumbnail Size Not Working Properly = I have mentioned it in the plugin description. If you use images that were uploaded to the media library before you installed this plugin and/or you have your own custom image sizes, please install [Regenerate Thumbnails](https://wordpress.org/plugins/force-regenerate-thumbnails/) plugin to fix the image size. = How to add custom style? = The plugin comes with a very basic style, if you want to add custom style please do `wp_dequeue_style` to remove the default stylesheet. Place the code below in your theme `functions.php`. ` function prefix_remove_arpw_style() { wp_dequeue_style( 'arpw-style' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'prefix_remove_arpw_style', 10 ); ` Then you can add your custom style using Custom CSS plugin or in your theme `style.css`. Here's the plugin selector ` /* ul */ .arpw-ul {} /* li */ .arpw-li {} /* title */ .arpw-title {} /* thumbnail */ .arpw-thumbnail {} /* date */ .arpw-time {} /* excerpt */ .arpw-summary {} ` == Screenshots == 1. The widget settings == Shorcode Explanation == Explanation of shortcode options: Basic shortcode ` [arpw] ` Display 10 random posts ` [arpw limit="10"] ` Display with thumbnail and set the size ` [arpw thumbnail="true" thumbnail_size="arpw-thumbnail"] ` Display posts based on category by id ` [arpw thumbnail="true" cat="10"] ` Display portfolio post type ` [arpw post_type="portfolio"] ` **Here's the full default shortcode arguments** ` title="" offset="" limit="5" post_type="post" post_status="publish" ignore_sticky="1" taxonomy="" cat="" tag="" thumbnail="false" thumbnail_size="arpw-thumbnail" thumbnail_align="left" excerpt="false" excerpt_length="10" date="false" date_modified="false" date_relative="false" css_class="" before="" after="" ` == Changelog == = 2.1.1 - Oct 19, 2017 = * Maintenance update * Support WordPress 4.8.2 = 2.1.0 - Nov 06, 2015 = * UI Changes! * Filter `arpw_query` DEPRECATED * Change text domain to `advanced-random-posts-widget` * Remove `title` attribute in the post link * Sanitize after and before the posts with `wp_kses_post`, security purpose * Introducing new hook `arpw_before_loop_WIDGETID` & `arpw_after_loop_WIDGETID` * Inline default style, no more load extra file from the plugin * Sanitize Custom CSS, better security